loving and serving the unreached and forgotten
Daily we ask Father God to open our eyes and hearts to love as He loved, walk as He walked, and serve as He served.
We are created in is image, and passionately love Him!
As we step into the love of Jesus, it becomes a part of who we are. It’s our very nature to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to men, women and children in the furthest ends of the world. We are able to do this by linking arms with pastors around the globe to bring the hope of Jesus to their communities.
Zoe Now operates in an apostolic and prophetic anointing of the five fold. In accordance with Ephesians 4:12, we believe that our call is to nurture and prepare all believers to walk out what God has equipped each one of us. Our focus is the un-reached people groups and marginalized. We reach hearts by preaching the love and power of Jesus and encouraging the global body.